Embracing Authenticity in a Changing World

Hello everyone,

Thank you for allowing me into your space. I am truly honored to be a part of your journey, and I do not take this privilege lightly. If my messages no longer resonate with you, I understand and respect your decision to unsubscribe at any time.

My Mission: To Inspire and Energize

As an executive recruiter, community builder, purpose-pursuer, and mother of four boys, my intention is to deliver not just information but inspiration, energy, and insight. Having conducted over 30,000 interviews in the past 17+ years, I've had the unique opportunity to hear people’s deepest revelations and challenges—insights that continually enrich my understanding of human behavior.

A New World Post-2020

The world has changed significantly since 2020, and many of us are navigating how to adjust our lives and careers in environments that often resist change. It’s time to say no more to letting "the world" define our success and dictate who we are.

Listening to Your Inner Voice

You know exactly who you are when you get quiet and listen. The whispers guiding your next steps might be unfamiliar and frightening at first, but they often lead to excitement and exhilaration. This is the "new world" I am embracing—a world where I allow my true self to shine in the corporate sphere, despite the masks and politicking that often dominate such environments.

My New Mantra

I’ve adopted a new mindset and mantra: to allow the essence of who I really am to permeate my professional life. It’s been a fascinating experiment to bring more authenticity into spaces traditionally marked by conformity. My goal is to create more heart-centered humans who thrive in their unique capacities, leading to more fulfilling jobs, vibrant businesses, and a culture of love and less judgment.

Join the Movement

This journey is not one I can undertake alone. Your experiences, challenges, and insights are invaluable as we build this movement together. I want to hear from you! What are you experiencing? Your stories help us shape a collective path forward.

Thank you for being here. Your presence makes all the difference.

With all my love,


Whenever you're ready, here are 4 ways I can help:

  1. I’d love to have you in my next Pursue Your Purpose workshop in May - limited spots remain

  2. Want to design a workshop or training for your team? Schedule a Discovery call.

  3. Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? Let me know more about your audience and goals. If it’s not me, I know many wonderful speakers.

  4. Are you looking for a new job opportunity and not making the progress you desire? I’d love to share details of my ACTIVATE program with you. Contact Me.


Ascending Your Second Mountain: A Journey Beyond Achievement