About Laura

Laura E. King

Hi, I’m Laura, and I cherish in helping you find more fulfillment, joy, and vibrancy in your career - and your life!

After interviewing 30,000 people in my recruiting career and being on a journey of personal growth myself, I know all humans can achieve the extraordinary. 

But to do so, it begins with clarifying what you really want, who you want to be, and what you’re here to do.

Figuring all that out on your own can be daunting and confusing, but you don’t have to do it alone. 

I am here to help you activate and live YOUR purpose, and I’d love to help you unlock your next level of fulfillment, success, and joy!

On the home front, I'm a proud mom to four energetic boys and the supportive partner to my spouse Brian who embarked on an entrepreneurial journey with ROCK U music school in Woodbury, MN. If you're ever in the area, drop by for a taste of our musical community.

I believe each of us is born into this world with a unique mission, a special something that only we can provide. Our purpose is not to blend into the standards set by the external world but to uncover and embrace who we are. Our creative talent (what I refer to as your genius) your gift to the world.

It's not selfish to go on a quest to discover the very best of who you are. It's your responsibility to share the very best of who you are.

The most profound regret of the dying is "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me," echoes in my mind as I navigate through life. I’ve had too many professionals at the end of their careers confide in me this hard truth: too many of us are living a life that really isn’t ours.

Your dreams and ambitions don’t belong on a vision board; they belong in the world.

If not now, then when?

Our kids, our families, and our loved ones are watching us. We are the role models. They watch what we DO more than what we say. Ask yourself: If you were talking to your child or a loved one, giving them advice on what they should do with their life, what would you tell them? Play small? Not to go after their dreams? Give up and live a life of mediocracy?

I’m here to serve those who are ready to summon the very best of who they are, face their fears and with my support (and an army of my incredible network) go for that thing that has been calling you forward. Not sure what it is? I’ll draw it out of you. And no, you don’t have to quit your job. But you do need to commit to a new strategy. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a new result.

If there’s one quote that sums up my mission, it would be Howard Thurman’s words:

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.