Ascending Your Second Mountain: A Journey Beyond Achievement

Hello everyone,

Are you searching for your second mountain? The concept, as described by author David Brooks, represents a pivotal shift in our lives. After achieving personal success and recognition (the "first mountain"), many of us find ourselves drawn towards seeking deeper connections, meaning, and contribution to others and society.

The Essence of the Second Mountain

The second mountain is about finding fulfillment through relationships, community, and service rather than solely focusing on individual accomplishments or material gains. It's about redefining what success means in a more holistic, soul-fulfilling way.

Like many of you, my journey towards this second mountain began unexpectedly. I've always been driven to excel, known in my field as a "big biller" due to the substantial revenue I generated. However, in 2023, a significant income drop forced me to confront my identity beyond my professional success.

A Period of Transformation

This confrontation was not easy. It involved therapy, tears, and a lot of introspection supported by faith and continued reflection. Here’s a glimpse into the thoughts and challenges I faced during this transformative period:

3/7/2023 Journal Entry: "I don’t know how I got here again. Life is spinning out of control... I am not in alignment. I am disconnected. I am not present with my family. I am not happy with myself... These kids and this life are flashing before my eyes. Can I focus on finding peace in the present moment rather than thinking about what I need to do next? Can I let the house chores go and play outside with the boys?"

Through this intense period of self-discovery, I learned that the other side of struggle is where wholeness and immense love for myself and everyone around me lies.

Embracing Change and Letting Go

As my coach wisely advised, "Let it blow up. Let the old fall away to make room for the new." This mantra has been a guiding light as I navigate through the changes life throws my way. Letting go of the old to make way for the new is an essential process on this journey.

Questions to Guide Your Journey

If you, like me, are seeking clarity on your second mountain, here are some reflective questions to consider:

  • What is giving me the most energy right now?

  • What values guide my decisions?

  • How do I want to contribute to my community or society?

  • What causes am I passionate about?

  • How can my skills make a positive impact?

  • Who inspires me?

  • How do I define success beyond achievements?

  • How can I add more meaning to my daily life?

These questions don't demand immediate answers but encourage a start. They are some of the topics we explore deeply in my workshops.

An Invitation to Begin Your Ascent

No matter where you find yourself today, remember the immense power and strength within you. If the concept of the second mountain resonates with you, consider this an invitation to start exploring what it means for you.

Until next week, embrace your journey, and be well.

All my blessings,


Whenever you're ready, here are 4 ways I can help:

  1. I’d love to have you in my next Pursue Your Purpose workshop in May - limited spots remain

  2. Want to design a workshop or training for your team? Schedule a Discovery call.

  3. Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? Let me know more about your audience and goals. If it’s not me, I know many wonderful speakers.

  4. Are you looking for a new job opportunity and not making the progress you desire? I’d love to share details of my ACTIVATE program with you. Contact Me.


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Embracing Authenticity in a Changing World