Let’s find clarity and get you moving, acting, and BEING into your most awakened, aligned, and intentional self.


→ You’re working way too much at a job you’re not sure you even like anymore

→ You feel like you’ve lost a piece of yourself in the rat race, and you want to recapture the essence of who you are in what you do with your time and gifts (and make good money, too!)

→ You’re in a transition or crossroads, rethinking everything and unsure how to move forward?

→ You’re frustrated in your job search and need outside perspective about what needs to change in your approach

→ You’re ready to greet the day with less stress and anxiety and more peace and calm.

What coaching looks like:

Coaching pushes you outside your comfort zone, a place you know you are ready for but can’t quite get there on your own. You know you’re capable of more. You’re done going around and around in circles—you are ready for UP. Up-level. Higher performance with greater ease, greater peace, and greater clarity.
Coaching allows you to achieve personal and professional goals through guidance, feedback, and skill development. It focuses on setting clear objectives, providing support, and holding you accountable for your progress. The ultimate aim: unlock limitless potential.

Find a time on my calendar

Just like launching a rocket requires a significant burst of energy to overcome Earth's gravity, making changes in our lives often demands a substantial amount of effort and determination to break free from our current habits, thought patterns, or circumstances.

I struggled for years to make the necessary changes in my life. It wasn’t until I hired a coach that I began stepping out of my comfort zone, confronting my fears, and exerting sustained effort over time.

I want the same for you.

Change isn’t easy to do by yourself. It's essential to recognize the magnitude of effort required for change and approach it with the necessary energy, commitment, and resilience to propel ourselves towards our desired goals and outcomes.


The BIGGEST advantage of coaching is that it works in two ways. It will help you gain clarity now, and it will introduce you to an entire ecosystem of people and systems to ensure accountability and follow through.

Cheat time by learning what took me over 15 years to finally get right. All it takes is that first step.

Because there’s a big difference between knowing and doing.

We all know we should eat healthy, but do we?

We all know we should exercise, but do we?

What Are You Waiting For?


Think about the immense cost if you don’t do this and stay stuck in your current situation. But I’m sure you know this already.

If nothing changes, nothing changes.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

When I got serious about investing in myself, here is what happened:

☑️ Grew a division of a recruiting firm from 0 to $1M in revenue in less than 27 months
☑️ Helped hundreds of professionals land in new jobs and new careers.
☑️ Launched an event and training business that brings thousands of marketing professionals together
☑️ Raised 20K in less than 3 months to launch a local non-profit
☑️ Added two more children to our clan. Yes, that’s right - I have FOUR BOYS (see the chaos below)
☑️ Helped my spouse leave his corporate job and launch Rock U Music School which now serves over 300 students in the Woodbury and surrounding community (photo below of us outside the studio before we opened)
☑️ Am in the best shape of my life at age 41. Feeling more alive and full of vitality than in my 20s. Seriously. It’s possible.
☑️ Am at peace with who God created me to be. I’m finally allowing me to be more me. I’m not playing small and dismissing my gifts. I am leaning full force into my purpose to create a ripple effect on my small slice of the world.

I’m not saying that I have it all figured out or that I don’t have bad days and yell at my kids and get frustrated and have a pity party for myself. But I get back to my center, my true north, quicker than most. I am extremely intentional about everything I do and I am here to leave a big impact on those around me. My mindset used to be see it to believe it, and now it’s:

Believe it to see it.

Your Next Step

A 30-minute Breakthrough Session is designed for professionals who want to move from chaos to clarity in their work & lives.

During the call, I will gain a deeper understanding of your situation and how/if I can help you. If we decide we’re good fits for each other we will discuss pricing options, length of engagement and recommended next steps.