The Paradox of Desire: Embracing Abundance Over Want

Hello everyone,

I recently encountered a thought-provoking idea that resonated deeply with me: The best way to get what you want is to NOT want it. At first glance, this seems like a paradox, but there’s profound wisdom in this approach that I'd like to share with you.

Understanding the Paradox

The essence of this concept lies in the energy we emit when we're overly fixated on wanting something. It's almost as if we're operating on a low-vibe frequency, filled with anxiety and impatience because our desire isn't fulfilled yet. But what if we shifted our mindset to feel as though we already possess what we desire? By doing so, we align ourselves with higher frequencies of abundance rather than lack.

Have you ever noticed how the things we desperately chase often elude us? It’s because our intense focus on the outcome creates a counterproductive force. Our attachment to a specific result blinds us to other possibilities and can even push our desires further away.

Focusing on the Present

Instead of obsessing over our goals, we should cultivate the emotions that achieving these goals would bring us—joy, love, freedom—here and now. This isn't about ignoring our aspirations but rather enriching our current state of being by embodying the feelings associated with our dreams.

Manifesting our desires truly becomes effective when we surrender to the process. Trusting that the universe (or any higher power you believe in) supports us allows us to release our tight grip on the reins and open ourselves to unexpected opportunities. It’s about embracing the mantra, "I'm open to whatever comes my way; it’s this or something better.”

Living in the 'Now'

Let’s abandon the mindset of "I'll be happy when..." and start appreciating our lives as they are in this moment. Detaching from the idea that our future desires are more important than our present circumstances is crucial. The constant striving for something out of reach can prevent us from truly living.

I understand that living in the moment and not worrying about the future is challenging. I'm actively working on embracing these lessons myself. It’s tough to remain present without being distracted by the myriad of other things we need or want to do.

A Call for Shared Wisdom

I’m curious to hear from you—what practices help you stay grounded in the present? How do you manage the balance between planning for the future and appreciating the now? Your insights are incredibly valuable, and I would love to learn from your experiences.

A Journey of Continuous Discovery

In letting go of our relentless pursuit, we might discover that what we've been searching for has always been right in front of us. This realization can transform our approach to life and lead us to unexpected joys and satisfactions.

Until next time, remember to live abundantly and let go gracefully.

All my blessings, Laura

Whenever you're ready, here are 4 ways I can help:

  1. I’d love to have you in my next Pursue Your Purpose workshop in May - limited spots remain

  2. Want to design a workshop or training for your team? Schedule a Discovery call.

  3. Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? Let me know more about your audience and goals. If it’s not me, I know many wonderful speakers.

  4. Are you looking for a new job opportunity and not making the progress you desire? I’d love to share details of my ACTIVATE program with you. Contact Me.


From Brokenness to Purpose: My Personal Journey and a Call to Unleash Your Inner Light


Beyond Achievements: Celebrating the Fullness of Our Humanity