Feeling Trapped In A Job You Don’t Love?

For those of you who don’t know, my husband and I own a music school. He runs the business. I act like the board of directors and chief encouragement officer. We celebrated Rock U Music School’s 3 year anniversary on June 1st.


Rock U started as an idea in April 2020. Our boys ages at the time: 4 months, 2.5, 5 and 7. Seemed like a pretty great idea to open a music school, no?


A little backstory. 2019 was not the best year for the King household. Brian felt trapped in a job he didn't love, shocked at the news we were expecting baby #4, and I was super sick the whole pregnancy, barely able to help so Brian was basically acting like single dad to the 3 boys. How the heck am I going to handle being a dad of 4? Am I resigned to work a job where I have no passion? Brian did not see a way out.


2020, after Crosby arrives on the scene, we are like, ok, we can do this parenting thing to 4 humans. We got this. Oh, the world shut down? Ok, we can handle this. Oh Brian, you want to open a business next? Yeah, sure why not.




Rock U opened in June 2021 with 30 students. Today we're rockin’ at 300 students in the local Woodbury and surrounding area. We are so grateful to the teachers, the students, and families who have made this business a success.


If Brian and I ever get a tattoo someday, the tattoo will read "If not now, when" inspired by the Jimmy Eat World song For Me This Is Heaven. The lyrics go "If I don't let myself be happy now, then when? If not now, when?”


There's never going to be a perfect time to follow a dream. There are perfect intentions though.


Mission: to bring the joy of music to all who seek it, while creating a place for students, parents, and teachers to find community through that shared passion.


Vision: We’ll be guided by our passion for music, and commitment to building fulfilling relationships with our students, teachers, and community.

And here we are right before the opening…

April 2021, one month prior to opening our doors at Rock U Music School.

Bringing this back to you: What is something that keeps calling your attention? I am not saying you need to quit your job or create that business plan today, but here’s what I do recommend.

Journal on this one question: What is life asking of me?

Let your hand free write. Don’t hold back. Let the thoughts flow from your mind to paper. Surrender to the pen. I am serious. Even if you’re never journaled before, TRY THIS. I dare you.

And then ask yourself: what is one thing I can do to take aligned action?

It’s not like we’re going to wake up and our lives are completely changed. It’s one aligned action after another. Step by step. Trusting yourself. Tuning out the noise, Going inward. Alignment.

BONUS POINTS: email me back when you’ve done this and tell me about your experience!

Cheers to everyone who is taking small steps outside of their comfort zone. Even if it seems small, CELEBRATE IT. Because…..If not now, when?

Whenever you're ready, here are 4 ways I can help:

  1. I’d love to have you in my next Pursue Your Purpose workshop 

  2. Want to design a workshop or training for your team? Schedule a Discovery call.

  3. Looking for a speaker for an upcoming event? Let me know more about your audience and goals.

  4. Book a breakthrough session with me


Life Is Short, How To Spend It Wisely


From Doubt to Belief: Embracing Possibilities and Letting Go