Discovering the Transformative Power of a Passionate Side Hustle

Do you believe that starting and building a side hustle can lead to a whole new perspective on the gifts you were meant to bring into this world? I hope you are nodding your head and smiling "YES!" because there's so much goodness waiting for you in other activities, other businesses, volunteer projects, or other ventures outside your 9 to 5.

The Unexpected Journey of Building the Marketers Community

When I first started the Marketers Community, I didn't know what I didn't know. I had no idea how to create a website, design graphics, collect money, or plan events beyond a few dinner parties. I found myself questioning, "Who was I to bring people together?" But rather than letting self-doubt hold me back, I leaned into the one thing I had going for me: my extensive network and experience as an executive recruiter. I had faith in my ability to figure out how to bring marketers together in a room to facilitate growth, learning, and connection.

As I embarked on this journey, I quickly realized that building a thriving community required more than just a good idea and a few contacts. It demanded dedication, resilience, and a willingness to learn and adapt. I had to step out of my comfort zone, acquire new skills, and confront challenges head-on. But with each obstacle overcome and each connection made, I discovered a deep sense of fulfillment that I had never experienced before.

The Ripple Effect of Meaningful Connections

One of the most inspiring success stories from the Marketers Community involves two VP of Marketing who met at one of our events. Through their conversation, it became clear that one VP saw her time at her current company coming to an end and wanted to help her incredible team members find new opportunities to flourish. The other VP was actively hiring. In a selfless act of leadership, the former VP gave her very best employee to the other leader, recognizing that she couldn't give this person what they needed to grow. This employee went on to thrive in her new role with a new company. Stories like this remind me that opportunity happens through people. You're only one conversation away from someone changing your life.

The power of meaningful connections extends far beyond individual success stories. When we bring people together around a shared passion or purpose, we create a ripple effect that touches lives in ways we may never fully comprehend. Each interaction, each exchange of ideas, each act of support and collaboration has the potential to spark inspiration, ignite change, and open doors to new possibilities.

Three Essential Tips for Launching Your Side Hustle

If you're feeling inspired to start your own side hustle, here are three critical pieces of advice based on my experience:

  1. Get clear on your why: When you inevitably face doubt, distraction, and discouragement, your why has to be stronger than those obstacles. A strong sense of purpose will keep you motivated and focused. Take time to reflect on what truly drives you, what impact you want to make, and how your side hustle aligns with your values and aspirations.

  2. Seek guidance from others who have started a business: Don't try to do this alone. Meet with experienced entrepreneurs, ask for their advice, and involve others in your journey. Not only will you gain valuable insights, but you'll also find the process much more meaningful and less isolating. Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and supporters who believe in your vision and can offer guidance, encouragement, and accountability.

  3. Prioritize your mindset: Feed your mind daily with uplifting and positive information. Avoid getting caught up in bad news, focusing on what you can't do, or listening to naysayers. Cultivating a strong, positive mindset is essential for navigating the challenges of building a side hustle. Embrace a growth mindset, celebrate your progress, and reframe setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

Embracing Personal Growth and Evolving Motivations

Through my journey with the Marketers Community, I discovered a passion for bringing people together that I hadn't fully recognized before. While you might start out with an initial why, it's important to remember that your motivations can evolve over time. Embrace personal growth and allow your purpose to expand as you gain new experiences and insights.

As you immerse yourself in your side hustle, pay attention to what lights you up, what challenges you, and what impact you're making. These insights will guide you in refining your vision, adjusting your strategies, and aligning your actions with your deepest values and aspirations. Trust in the journey and be open to the unexpected lessons and opportunities that arise along the way.

Overcoming Obstacles with Support and Action

One of the biggest obstacles I faced when developing the Marketers Community was feeling like I lacked the necessary skills. Fortunately, I had a friend who came alongside me and showed me how to tackle the tactical aspects I didn't know. Remember, your friends want to help you – so let them! Surround yourself with supportive individuals who can offer guidance and encouragement.

When faced with challenges or self-doubt, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Seek out resources, attend workshops or webinars, join communities of like-minded entrepreneurs, and invest in your own learning and development. Every obstacle you overcome, every skill you acquire, every connection you make will strengthen your foundation and propel you forward on your side hustle journey.

This is me and my youngest son in Feb 2020 - our last Marketers’ Community in person even for some time. We had 200 women come together for a panel on “Women Who Lead” - it was spectacular!

Your Invitation to Take Inspired Action

If there's one thing I've learned from my side hustle journey, it's the power of taking aligned action. Stop overthinking and just take one step today. Reach out and schedule a meeting with someone who inspires you. Start researching and exploring your ideas. The answers reveal themselves through the doing, so release your need to know the outcome and trust in yourself.

Remember, the transformative power of pursuing a passionate side hustle lies in the journey itself. By embracing growth, seeking support, and taking consistent action, you'll discover new aspects of yourself and the unique gifts you have to offer the world. You'll cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a deep sense of purpose that will serve you in all areas of your life.

So, my friend, what action will you take today to start bringing your side hustle vision to life? What's the first small step you can take to explore your passions, connect with others, and create value in the world? Trust in your unique talents and experiences, and have faith in the impact you can make by sharing them with others.

The world needs more passionate, purposeful individuals like you who are willing to step out of their comfort zones and pursue their dreams. By embarking on this side hustle journey, you're not only creating opportunities for yourself – you're also inspiring others to do the same. So, let's support each other, celebrate our progress, and embrace the incredible adventure of turning our passions into purposeful ventures. The best is yet to come!


From Doubt to Belief: Embracing Possibilities and Letting Go


Navigating the Evolving Journey of Purpose: Embracing Change and Finding Fulfillment